Friday, 19 February 2016



I.Fill with suitable adjectives

  a) Raju is the ______ boy in the class.

  b) Sita is a _______ girl.

  c) Snail is ______ than turtle.

II. Fill with appropriate prepositions

   a)Ritu is sitting _____ Beena and Rina.

   b)Raju jumped ______  the pool.

   a)She is suffering______ fever.

III. Frame questions from the following statements.

    a)That car belongs to Mrs. Varma. (Whose)

    b)I like pink colour.             (Which)

    C)He kept the book on the table.  (Where)
IV. Rewrite with conjunctions

    a)  We were in the hospital. Raju called me twice. (While)

    b)  You work hard. You will succeed. (If)

V. Rewrite with punctuations.

    a) mother where are you

    b)what is your problem

    C) this is venus car.

VI. Identify the adverb and sate their types

     a)I have a few mangoes.

     b)Ramu visits his uncle occasionally.

     c)Seema is dancing nicely.

VII. Use suitable question tag.

     a)They are guests,__________ ?

     b)He is not a doctor,_________?

     c)She left home_____________?

VI.Rewrite in to negative form
   a) He cooked the food.
   b) He writes a letter
   c) Raju is a doctor.
   d) Rani eats chocolates.

VII. Fill with suitable infinitives
    a) I came _____.
    b) Raju ran_______


Std: VI                              ENGLISH WORKSHEET                              
Section C – Grammar
I. Identify the verb and state whether they are active or passive

1.     He helped his friend.
2.     They have decided to go.
3.     The cake was being cooked by mother.
 II. Fill with suitable prepositions.

1.     I like to for picnic_______ Winter season.
2.     ______ his illness, he could not continue with his studies.
III. Fill in the blanks with the abstract noun of the verb given in the
      1.Raju was awarded for his_______      (brave) 
      2.He was in a state of physical suffering as if from corporal ---------
            ( punish ) 
 IV. Fill in the blanks with appropriate interjections
1.    ______! The patient is sleeping.
2.     _______! My grandfather passed away.

V. Change the following sentences from active to passive voice:

1.     I stitched the cloth.
2.     The tree had been planted.                                                                                  

 VI. Join the sentences using suitable conjunctions from the bracket and
         rewrite them:
1.     You can eat fruits. You can eat vegetables.
2.     He was not well. He went to play.                   

 VII.  Fill with suitable adverb
    1.I am reading_______. (Adverb of time)                                                                                                                                                                    
    2.The tank is _______ full. (Adverb of degree)                                                                                      


Monday, 15 February 2016

model question paper sixth English

Std:VI                                          ENGLISH                                   Time: 2hrs    
                                                                                                       Marks: 50                                                                                                           Section A – Reading

I. Read the passage carefully and answer the questions that follow; (5marks)
The functions of machine is to save work .In the modern world all dull works         are done by machines, leaving us free for more interesting works. Robots (machine men) will replace men in all walks of life. Why not let the machines do the work and the men spend their time for something else? Then what else will do? They have to spend their time happily and with satisfaction. In short they should feel they are playing, not working. The laborer who works in the field may turn to playing piano. And the professional pianist may turn to agriculture labour for pleasure. The truth is that men need some work to lead a meaningful life but he shouldn’t feel it a tedious one.
(Each question carries one mark)

1. How do machines leave us free?                                                               
2. By whom will the men be replaced?                                                         
3. Pick out a word which is opposite in meaning to the word ‘Interesting’.
4. Do the machines make men lazy? What is your opinion?                                  
5. What type of work does the pianist like to do?                                         

Section B – Writing
                                                                                                                                 II.                       Write a short profile of Rabindranath Tagore from the given
                information.                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                               (5marks)
   Birth: In 1861 in a wealthy family of Kolkata.

   Education: No formal education-left free to pursue his literary activities
   Interest in literacy creation shown even in childhood.

   Achievements: Nobel prize for literature (Gitanjali) in 1913-first man 
   from the east to win the prize.
    Interests: Versatile genius-painted, acted, composed music-keen and
    active in the freedom struggle.
    Death: August 7, 1941(aged 80) Kolkata.

III. Suppose your best friend got the first prize in the ‘on the spot painting
      competition' .Write a dialogue between you and your friend.                                                                                                                                 (5marks)                    
Section C – Grammar
IV. Write the voice of the following sentences (active  or  passive)
  1. My bag was stolen from the train.                                                      
  2. I have completed my task.
  3. The mango is being eaten by Ramu.
  4. I cooked the food.                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                          
 V. Fill with suitable prepositions given in the bracket.
                      (During, from, for, with, to)                                              (2marks)
1.     The car collided ______ a truck. 
2.     We must care ______ our health.
3.     Raju is suffering_____ fever.
4.     I went for a picnic _____ vacation.
VI. Fill in the blanks with the abstract noun of the verb given in the
      1.  _______ speaks more than words.  (act)                                     

      2.  Always speak _______.   (true)
 VII. Fill in the blanks with appropriate interjections given in the bracket:
                           (Wow, Alas, Hurrah, Hush, Ouch)     
  1. ______! I have lost my purse.
  2.  _____ ! We have won the match.
  3. ______! The patient is sleeping.
  4. ______! Look at that beautiful flower.                                      

 VIII. Change the following sentences from active to passive voice:                                                                                                                                                                                                     (3marks)
  1. The police caught the thieves.  
  2. My mother cooks delicious food.
  3. The children are eating mangoes.        

  IX. Join the sentences using suitable conjunctions  from the bracket and
         rewrite them:     (or , so , because , if )                                          (4marks)
  1. I was cold. I turned on the heater.                  
  2. You work hard. You will succeed.
  3. We didn’t go to the beach yesterday. It was raining.                                                    
4.   Reena may be playing. Reena may be studying.                          
Section D – Literature
X. Read the following extracts and answer the questions that follow:
 1.      “Sunshine and fresh air are more important  than medicine”

          a. Whose words are these?                                                          (1 mark)
          b. What happened to Saeeda’s mother?                                       (1mark)
         c. What did Saeeda’s mother finally decide?                                 (2 marks)
  2.  “If Rich Belanger could do it, why not Manjula Parelkar?”                                                      
          a. Who told these words?                                                           (1 mark)
         b. Who is Rich Belanger?                                                           (2 marks)
         c. Describe the incident that inspired Manjula to enter the contest?                                                                                                                      (2 marks)                                                                                            
   3. “It’s true that all of us live inter-dependently”                                                                                                                                                     
a. What does the poet mean by this?                                            (2marks) 
          b. Write the meaning of the word inter-dependently.                     (1 mark)                                                                                                                
         c. Mention the name of the poet?                                                 (1 mark)

   4. “This is the best Christmas gift I ever had!”                                      
         a. Who told these words?                                                            (1 mark)                                   
b. What is the special gift?                                                              (2marks)
c. How can one give the same gift again and again?                     (2marks)                                                                                                                                     
   5. “Yet, Where was the magic of Christmas now?’’                                         
           a. Who is the speaker here?                                                           (1 mark)
           b. Why does he say these words t?                                               (2marks

Thursday, 11 February 2016




Learning Objective ;   Able to understand the importance of celebrations in the                                            busy life.

              ‘’Yet, where was the magic of Christmas now?’’

Q1. Why does the author say this?

A.    Christmas is the time of great joy and merriment. When Rob was young and his father was alive, it was the time to reaffirm love and show kindness. As he grew old and left alone with his wife , he missed the magic of Christmas. So the author says these words.

Q2. How did the idea of giving his father a special gift in the barn strike Rob? What was the special gift?

A. Rob knew that Jesus was born in a barn and to the barn, wise men had come with their Christmas gifts. His father told him that the barn where Christ was born was like theirs. This struck Rob with an idea of giving his father a special gift in the barn.
                         He got up early as 2 ‘o’ clock in the morning, went quietly to the barn and did the milking on the Christmas Day.

Q3.‘’In just a few minute, his father would know.’’ What would his father know?

A.    Rob’s father would come to know that Rob had done the milking before the early hours of morning and he had freed his father from the job that morning.

Q5. ‘’Milking was not a chore for Rob on Christmas Day.’’ Why?

A.    Milking was not a chore for Rob on that Christmas Day because he wanted to present a special gift for his father by doing it himself. It did not seem to be a usual chore, but something special he did for his father.  

 Q6. ''But he was not satisfied.'' Why was not satisfied?
   A. Rob was not satisfied because he wanted to make his wife feel that he loved her in a special way , much more than he ever had when they were young.

Tuesday, 9 February 2016

Fifth std notes ( WRITE IN YOUR CW)

The Day the River spoke

               Learning Objective;   Able to explain and analyze the importance of education 

                          ‘’ You are too small, baby. May be later.’’  
Q1   .  How did mother console Janu about not going to school?

A.     Mother consoled Janu  by saying that her brother went to school because he was a boy and boys must learn early. Meena went to school because she was the headman’s daughter.

     ‘’ It’s a big building, shaped like a pencil’’

Q2. How did the teacher explain what a light house was?

A.    The teacher explained that the light house was a big building shaped like a big pencil, with a bright light at the top. The light shone very fast so that the ships at the sea, could see it clearly and sail safely.

Q3. Why do you think   Janu wanted to go to school?

A   .Janu wanted to go to school because she wanted to learn to read and write and do sums.

        ‘’You? Scared?’’

Q4. What were the things that Janu is not scared of?

A .Janu is not scared of the green lizard, the snake in the bamboo clump and the big trains rattling past the bridge.

Q5. Do you think Janu was a brave girl? Give reason

A. Yes, Janu was a brave girl. She did things all by herself. She went to school and spoke boldly in the class.

Monday, 8 February 2016

sixth std....Write the notes in your class work

            A  Pact with  The Sun   
                                             Literature Reader 

         Learning Objective; Able to read and appreciate the story

                      ‘’Exposure to sun and air for someone afflicted with chronic cough    was dangerous’’

Q1   .  Describe the noisy commentary took place after the doctor gave his advice?

A.     Some favoured and other opposed the doctor’s commentary.A lady declared that standing to sun and air for someone afflicted with chronic cough  which was dangerous and other rejected this.

Q2. What did Saeda’s mother finally decide? What happened the next morning?

A.    Saeda’s mother finally decided  to follow the doctor’s advice.  Next day early in the morning when the sprightly sunlight embellished themselves for the journey down the earth. But the road to earth is blocked by an army of thick mucky clouds.

Q3.What did Saeda tell  the last departing rays of the sun? What reply did she get?

A  . Saeda addressed her remark to the last departing ray of the sun. ’’Dearest sister, do come tomorrow with lots of warmth and brightness. You see my mother is ill and needs your help’’. The light replied that surely will come  ,not to feel unhappy and they will be there at the fixed hour.

Q4. What excuse has the sun given for not going down to the earth?

A.The sun gave the excuse for not going down to the earth is the road to the earth is blocked by an army of thick mucky clouds.

Q5. ’’ She thought, she was in a new world’’ Why did Saeda’s mother feel that she was in a new world. Describe this new world?

A. Though  pale ,her face glowed and her eyes shone bright.The morning air brought in a new fragrance from nearby flowers. The birds chanted a new tune.She felt better already.